The Bond Bank will gladly provide estimated debt schedules. We can provide debt schedules using estimated interest rates for periods of any number of years up to 30. Please keep in mind that bonds should only be issued for periods longer than 20 years when the amount of the loan is substantial (please call us to discuss this further). We can provide level principal schedules (principal payments are equal every year usually resulting in the lowest interest rate. Generally results in higher impact on the tax rate in early years) and level debt schedules (total principal plus interest are equal every year usually resulting in a higher interest cost. Results in constant impact on the tax rate throughout the term). We will provide you with debt schedules for multiple time periods and dollar amounts. Our debt schedules show estimated tax rate impacts where applicable. Although we can usually provide a quicker turn-around time, please request debt schedules 24 hours before you need them. The best way to request debt schedules is to call, fax or e-mail us.